Latest and live tenders published in ireland. Click on any tender to view further details.

3861 European Countries Tenders
GTN :6084901
Location :  Dublin - Ireland, Ireland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 May, 2014

providing of cleaning services for ida ireland office at athlone, co westmeath

3862 European Countries Tenders
GTN :6084906
Location :  Dublin - Ireland, Ireland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  16 May, 2014

refurbishment of a 700m² ward on the top floor of an existing ward block within a live acute hospital located centrally within the beaumont hospital campus. the works will include a new internal layout, new external window installation, new mechanical and electrical services installation and roof plant. the ward will include 12 nr single ward rooms and two multi-bed rooms as well as all of the required ancillary ward rooms. two of the single rooms will be dedicated isolation rooms as defined by the htm guidelines and will require pressurised lobbies. the h&i laboratory extension is a separate rooftop extension of to an existing h&i laboratory located on the east side of the beaumont hospital campus. the extension is built on the roof slab of an existing structure. in both projects certain works will be required to be carried out on a phased basis.

3863 European Countries Tenders
GTN :6084915
Location :  Dublin - Ireland, Ireland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 May, 2014

forfas logistics study - forfás is commissioning a research study on assessing the demand for skills in the freight transport, distribution and logistics sub-sectors in ireland over the period 2014-2020

3864 European Countries Tenders
GTN :6084922
Location :  Dublin - Ireland, Ireland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  28 May, 2014

dublin region homeless executive , on behalf of the four local authorities and the health service executive (hse) is leading the tender process in relation to a contract for the delivery of a ‘regional housing first service’ which incorporates a contact and outreach function which forms part of an integrated model of service provision. the dublin region homeless executive invites suitably qualified and experienced private or public, voluntary bodies or alternatively, a suitably qualified and experienced consortium of agencies to tender in accordance with the terms as set out in the attached tender document. the approach involves a consumer- choice driven, recovery orientation, and harm reduction philosophy, and employs motivational interviewing and goal-setting techniques. housing first participants will have ready, time-unlimited access (for as long as the participant needs the support) to support and treatment services. even if a tenancy fails, housing first continues to support the individual to another tenancy and the support service continues to engage with the participant. the outreach service is a critical component of the pathways to home model, as the unitary service tasked with meeting the needs of and building relationships with people experiencing rough sleeping across the 4 dublin local authority and hse administrative areas. the primary objective of outreach is to assist rough sleepers to access accommodation with appropriate levels of support. a tender is being established under the open procedure, which means that any interested party may submit a tender. a call for competition for these services has been published in the official journal of the european union (ojeu) and the irish government etenders website.

3865 European Countries Tenders
GTN :6084928
Location :  Dublin - Ireland, Ireland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  19 May, 2014

institute of technology tallaght (itt dublin) together with the contracting authorities identified in section it.01.03 of the instruction to tenderers, intends to establish framework agreements with a number of suppliers of design services. the individual services (disciplines) required are:- architect ,quantity surveyor , mechanical & electrical engineering services ,civil & structural engineering services, project supervisor design process (psdp) each service is subject to a separate framework agreement. it is intended that up to six service providers will be selected for inclusion in the framework agreement under each of the service categories listed above

3866 European Countries Tenders
GTN :6084929
Location :  Ireland - Ireland, Ireland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  12 May, 2014

bridge rehabilitation contract of six no. bridges in co. donegal and one no. bridge in co. cavan

3867 European Countries Tenders
GTN :6084932
Location :  Galway - Ireland, Ireland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  22 May, 2014

provision of an occupational health screening programme for county galway local authorities in 8 designated locations in the county of galway for circa 740 employees of the council.

3868 European Countries Tenders
GTN :6084936
Location :  Ireland - Ireland, Ireland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Jun, 2014

supply, delivery and commissioning of furniture and equipment for our lady's secondary school, belmullet

3869 European Countries Tenders
GTN :6084939
Location :  Ireland - Ireland, Ireland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Jun, 2014

supply of print books and av material to the library services of dun laoghaire- rathdown, south dublin and fingal county councils located in the greater dublin area.

3870 European Countries Tenders
GTN :6084950
Location :  Ireland - Ireland, Ireland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  16 Jun, 2014

expressions of interest are sought before may 9th 2014 from competent building contractors who wish to tender for the construction of a new single storey classroom with all necessary ancillary services to ballynacally national school, ballynacally, ennis, co. clare. once the period for expressing interest has ended, all contractors who have expressed an interest will be sent the relevant tender documents to complete and return before the response deadline. tender documents will be available from project design & building consultants ltd., o'dea's road, kilrush, co. clare

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