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21 Const. of 14MLD MPS at Samrala
TRN : 854882 |  Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.35 Crore | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for const. of 14mld mps at samrala
22 Augmentation of water Supply Scheme of Balance Distribution System and Rising Main works at Bathinda Town (Under AMRUT)
TRN : 851229 |  Bhatinda - Punjab
Contract Value : 16.29 Crore | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for augmentation of water supply scheme of balance distribution system and rising main works at bathinda town (under amrut)
23 DNIT for Providing Rising main RCC P1 Pipe 600mm i/d and Construction of RCC cum brick masonry hatch boxes, Providing and fixing SV Complete in all respects and all other works Contigent Thereto at Jaitu Distt.Faridkot (Damaged protion)
24 Erection and Commissioning of 125 KVAR and 20 KVAR Water Cooled Silent DG Set with AMF Panel, Earthing of DG, P/F Cables and Construction of DG Set Platform and all other works contingent thereto at WTP Mojowal and IPS Sharma Store at Nangal.
25 DNIT for supplying four Numbers of Four Wheeled Push Type Mounted Mouse Mini jetting Machine with high pressure water triplex plunger pump of Discharge up to 13.0 Lpm coupled with Auxiliary Diesel Engine (other details as per attached technical specifications) at Bhucho, Goniana, Kotfatta and Malout for Annual Maintenance Sewerage Scheme under the Jurisdiction of (Div. No. 2 ) Bathinda.
TRN : 841575 |  Abohar - Punjab
Contract Value : 9.78 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for annual maintenance contract of water supply and sewerage scheme at abohar
27 Annual Maintenance contract of Water Supply and Sewerage Scheme in Kartarpur Town Distt. Jalandhar for the year 2020-2021 (w.e.f. 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021).
28 Annual Maintenance contract DNIT for the expenses of running of Main Pumping Station, Jaitewali at Jalandhar for the year 2020-2021 w.e.f. 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021.
29 Annual Maintenance contract DNIT for the expenses of running of Main Pumping Station, Bambianwali at Jalandhar for the year 2020-2021 w.e.f. 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021.
30 DNIT for Desilting of STP at Malout Distt Sri Muktsar Sahib.
TRN : 840544 |  Muktasar - Punjab
Contract Value : 8.12 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for dnit for desilting of stp at malout distt sri muktsar sahib.

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