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31 Rate Contract for Fabrication, Manufacturing, Testing, Supplying and Commissioning of four wheel vehicle driver cabin chassis mounted hydraulic operated desilting grab bucket machines (Approx. – 22 Nos.) for cleaning underground sewer line manholes in various towns of Punjab as per tender specifications and terms & conditions. "
32 Special repair of Annual Maintenance contract Water Supply at Talwandi Bhai Distt. Ferozepur
TRN : 837678 |  Ferozepur - Punjab
Contract Value : 4.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for special repair of annual maintenance contract water supply at talwandi bhai distt. ferozepur
33 Operation and Maintenance of 2.50 MLD STP at Begowal Town Distt. Kapurthala for the year 2020-2025 w.e.f. 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2025
TRN : 836137 |  Kapurthala - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.42 Crore | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for operation and maintenance of 2.50 mld stp at begowal town distt. kapurthala for the year 2020-2025 w.e.f. 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2025
34 Providing D.I. K-7 W/S pipe, UPVC pipe sewer, RCC NP3 pipe with HDPE lining, House Connections and all other works contingent thereto at Kapurthala Town
35 Providing, Laying, Joining, testing and Commissioning 750 mm id DI-K7 Pipe Sewer against 24 x 36 (Inch) damaged Existing sewer Near Railway Phatak at Gidderbaha Town District Shri Muktsar Sahib.
36 Operation and Maintenance of Water Supply and Sew. Sch at Phillaur Distt. Jalandhar for the year 2020-21 from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021
TRN : 824137 |  Jalandhar - Punjab
Contract Value : 79.17 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for operation and maintenance of water supply and sew. sch at phillaur distt. jalandhar for the year 2020-21 from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021
37 Providing, Laying, Cutting, Jointing of DI K-7 Pipe at Partap Nagar Vishwakarma Mandir Area at Bathinda.
TRN : 821383 |  Bathinda - Punjab
Contract Value : 13.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for providing, laying, cutting, jointing of di k-7 pipe at partap nagar vishwakarma mandir area at bathinda.
38 Providing 100 percent Sewerage Scheme at Adampur. Providing, Laying, Jointing and Cutting of 250mm and 400mm i/d S.W. pipe sewer Const. of M.H. chambers and all other works contingent thereto. Gap of existing sewer under BUCI Punjab.
39 Providing, Laying, Cutting, Jointing of DI K-7 Pipe at Partap Nagar Vishwakarma Mandir Area at Bathinda.
TRN : 821385 |  Bhatinda - Punjab
Contract Value : 13.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Tender award for providing, laying, cutting, jointing of di k-7 pipe at partap nagar vishwakarma mandir area at bathinda.
40 Providing 100 percent Sewerage Scheme at Adampur. Providing, Laying, Jointing and Cutting of 250mm and 400mm i/d S.W. pipe sewer Const. of M.H. chambers and all other works contingent thereto. Gap of existing sewer under BUCI Punjab.

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