Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
personalized omnichannel attention services to citizens through the citizen service channels línea madrid,
object of the request is to contract the acquisition of sea salt from desgel to avoid the freezing of vials and vorers in cas de nevades or glaçades that impede or hinder the circulation of vehicles and people.
service of maintenance and update of diverse hardware and software of the technological systems of the city council of viladecans: lot 1 service of maintenance and update of licenses of autodesk. lot 2 cisco unified communications management and maintenance service. lot 3 maintenance service of the sais uninterruptible power supply systems salicrú brand. lot 4 sais uninterruptible power supply systems maintenance service gede-imv brand. lot 5 sais uninterruptible power supply systems maintenance service socomec brand. lot 6 service for the maintenance and updating of licenses for various computer systems. lot 7 license maintenance and update service manage engine lot 8 oracle license maintenance and update service.
contract for the provision of maintenance and support services per part of the adjudicator of the electronics of xarxa of the sant pere de ribes town council. dacord to the plec of particular administrative clauses pcap and the plec of particular technical prescriptions pptp. this contract has additionally included the support of the manufacturers corresponding to the elements of the infrastructure of xarxa through the adjudicator for those devices that are part of the manufacturers maintenance period. the content and detail of the contractual object is the one that is defined in the plec of technical prescriptions, except that the adjudicator made offers in the final proposal.
object of the contract is the assistance of monitors for the childrens nap at the picarol nursery school in manresa during the noon strip, from 11.45 am. at 2:45 p.m.
technical support for the drafting of road technical reports 2 lots.
technical control service for the continuity of the accreditation files of the two public health laboratories of the conselleria de sanitat universal i salut pública.
supply of sports equipment for activities, martial arts tatami, material for events, material for the outdoor department, material to replace in municipal sports facilities, sports material for competitions, for the sports area of ??villanueva del pardillo
contracting of a normative-preventive and corrective maintenance service for the air conditioning installations of the centers dependent on activa mutua 2008
servei dattenció psychologica child-juvenil del siad servei dinformació i atenció a les dones de lajuntament de sant pere de ribes, dacord with the plec of particular administrative clauses and technical prescriptions. els plecs have per objecte the contracting of the provision of psychological care to infants, adolescents and young people in a vulnerable situation and, especially, those who violate or have suffered violence in the family environment, which is carried out to the information service i attention to the gifts, of the sant pere de ribes town council. the works to be carried out for the provision of the service are described in the technical prescriptions plec.