Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
ibi ecopark service
administration of various materials first for the preparation of the meals of the interns and interns of the penitentiary centers of catalonia, including the necessary dispensing machines and the maintenance during the entire contractual period. the technical characteristics of the first material and of the machines are included in the technical specifications sheet. the products to be supplied are those that appear in the economic supply model and the economic quadre of the contract.
services for the elaboration of an online and offline communication strategy and production of the annual trobada dinnovació i indústria ind + i, mitjançant the promotion of the recruitment of people with particular difficulties of insertion to the labor market and ambitions of sustainable public contracting. specifically, the object of the contract is the provision of services consisting of: -the elaboration of an online communication strategy consistent in publicity and community manager actions. -the elaboration of an offline communication strategy based on the creation of the concept and image of the ind + i innovation and industry trobada in each cradle of the different editions; i servei de design de lespai in the development of the day. did the production relative to the
psychological attention service for the family program.
technical assistance services for conducting tests, analysis and technical consulting, for the diagnosis of energy rehabilitation works to be carried out in 23 actions financed with funds from the eu react, developed in the provinces of almería, córdoba, granada, huelva, jaén, malaga and seville
covid cleaning reinforcement service contract for public educational centers
the objective of the award is to approve a group of companies or industrialists that compete with the necessary skills and experience in painting services and installations for the duration of the maintenance and repair works of the public park of habitats. de vimusa, ja ho continued per owner, per secondment or per encàrrec de lajuntament de sabadell.
unisex hairdressing service in the social center for the elderly in alcantarilla
banking services for the collection of municipal taxes direct debits, atms, pos and gateway.
provision and assembly of the seats in the actes de ledifici hall of ca la pruna, with the purpose of allocating it to the planned.