Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of intermediate and large transcatheter valves for vall dhebron university hospital
subministrament aggreat dimplants esophagogàstrics, gastrointestinals i biliopancreàtics per als centers de linstitut català de la salut ics.
maintenance and support of civitas sipres
the object of the contract is the provision of services related to legal assistance, with special emphasis on the management of the administrative contracting of barcelona sagrera alta velocitat, sa hereinafter bsav. it includes recurring legal advice regarding all those activities, businesses or acts that, either directly or indirectly, are related to the business, traffic or corporate purpose of bsav, as well as the legal direction of the procedures.
the object of the contract is the execution of the comprehensive renovation work of the buildings located on calle de la cruz, calle maría muñoz and plaza unamuno that make up the euskal museoa based on the execution project presented by the project authors: vaillo + irigaray architects, antonio vaillo, juan l. irigaray, yago vaillo, in execution of the file exp062019serv-ngsp
supply of materials and equipment in concession necessary for the performance of the linear and radial ecobronchoscopic procedure for the hospital clínico san carlos de madrid
repair works of the olympic swimming pool at the gamarra facilities
funeral services of a social nature
supply of lighting poles for barriada el correíllo, rancho de la posada, san rafael and vicente and angela romero garcía streets, according to specific technical specifications. invest plan 2021
the hiring of a specialized company that carries out the realization, recording, edition and live broadcast of webinars of the areas of marketing and corporate development of the open university of catalonia which includes the teams of alumni, territorial network, registration corporate and philanthropy and onwards promoting areas of the uoc.