Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of a semi-buried water tank, replacement of the water supply network and rehabilitation of the pavement in the towns of san feliz de torío, riosequino de torío and palazuelo de torío
execució of the works of construction of the municipal civic center, contracts in the basic project and execution of the municipal civic center approved initially by agreement of the municipal ple of date 4 of august of 2021; publicant-se ledicte daprovació definitive
framework agreement processed by the parc taulí foundation for the approval of consultants for the provision of innovation management services for hospitals that are members of the itemas-isciii platform
service consisting of hospital care in the city of dos hermanas
works to improve the pavement of the athletics track of the “el romeral” sports center, incorporating special execution conditions of a social nature related to the social and labor insertion of people
works for the manufacture, supply and installation of canopies in the parking lot of the parador de turismo de toledo.
review and update services of the inventory of non-financial fixed assets of the mutua de accidentes de canarias, mutua colaboradora con la seguridad social nº 27
purpose of the contract is to supply the chemical products necessary to maintain the water in the municipal swimming pools in optimal conditions for bathing under the jurisdiction of the municipal sports council of ourense hereinafter cmd, according to royal decree 742/2013, of 27 december september, for which the technical-sanitary criteria of the swimming pools are established.
supply of alfalfa to granxa gayoso castro from the provincial deputation of lugo.
works for the adaptation of offices in the superior court of justice of asturias