Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
service concession contract for the operation, management and maintenance of the public service of management of regulated parking on the surface and access control in the municipal term
concession of municipal wake management service.
supply by framework agreement of new and original parts / spare parts -exclusively those recommended by the respective manufacturers-, except for the exceptions included in these technical prescriptions, for the correct preventive and corrective maintenance carried out in lipasams own workshops.
supply of rental of shoring materials put into work, valencia
execution of the works included in the valued memory of the installation of photovoltaic production at the escola beat bonvantura de riudoms.
alienation of timber use, the characteristics of which are listed below, to be carried out in mount no. 51 of the catalog of public utilities of the province of soria,
acquisition of an automatic stainer for staining of histological and cytology techniques for the j. mª morales meseguer university general hospital, area vi-vega media del segura, of the murcian health service
supply contract acquisition of licenses for the transfer of use of an economic-financial information system application, as well as the implementation and commissioning services, training, data migration and subsequent annual maintenance
hospital emergency service, hospitalization and surgical interventions in the bages region, for mutua intercomarcal.
supply of office furniture to grupo tragsa